Continuing Education: It Matters!

Continuing Education (CE) is a crucial aspect to maintaining relevant knowledge in any field that one works in. This is especially true in the dental and medical fields. Staying up-to-date with new techniques and best practices helps improve one’s ability to provide the best possible service.

There are additional benefits in participating in continuing education classes. Patients trust you more when a clinician stays current in the newest trends in healthcare. CE keeps existing skills and knowledge sharp. And CE helps people become more valuable in the marketplace, whether they are looking for a new job or have an opportunity to move up in their current position.

Dental Care International (DCI) is not only committed to helping young women from children’s homes escape the cycle of poverty through our Dental Surgery Assistant (DSA) training program; it is also committed to the graduates once they have completed our program. Each year DCI organizes a five-credit-hour CE course for both past and present DSA students and graduates to learn from dentists, nurses and other professionals about topics not just in dental assisting, but in useful skills such as taking patient’s blood pressure and administering CPR. Another important topic is money management. Most if not all of the DSA students lack even the most basic skills of money management, which can have a severe impact in their future well-being. Realizing this, DCI has incorporated lectures in matters such as savings and debt management.

In addition to the graduation ceremony of its 6th graduating class of Dental Nurse Assistants, on July 29th, 2018 DCI will hold its 3rd Annual CE Course in Colombo, Sri Lanka. There will be six speakers giving lectures on topics such as Women’s Health Education, First Aid, Infection Control and more.
